Thursday, February 3, 2011

Palatka, Part 2

Today was two different schools in the Palatka area and both went off quiet well. We had the pleasant surprise of a shorter day thanks to a mixup in the itnerary of our second school, so I was able to have an unexpected lazy hour or two.

I installed my more participatory approach at the first school for workshops and it was in my mind much more successful. There were some great ideas--including two Sumo-Wrestlers that duke it out on the Great Wall of China. There was a great robbery story in there as well. Another had an ice princess struggling against the jealous Dr. Mad, who is trying to marry her instead of her true groom-to-be. Can't wait to read them. However, these kids were quiet from the start, so I shall be very much intrigued about how it works with a rowdier crowd.

The first school was intriguing as they were all domed-shaped: like Luke Skywalker's desert shacks. Apparently, they're designed to be the best Hurricane shelter in the entire county. They're also one of the most environmentally efficient structures in the area as well. The second was much more like yesterday, a school worn out from loving use, but it was also much more isolated.

The week has been a full, but weary one. We are all setting our sights on the last two schools and our arrival back in Sarasota.


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