Monday, February 7, 2011

Some New Changes

Since I've moved to the blog, there's still a great many of you who would prefer to get emails. Great! I've spent this weekend doing some research, and it appears that google groups offers just that type of solution for Blogger blogs. My posts have gotten popular enough, and posted in enough different places, that I'm trying to consolidate how many times I post the same post--this is also good for you because that means that much more time worrying about what I write and not how I'm sending it. Some of you may have gotten the past few messages twice. In that case: good! The new subscription list is working.

Therefore, I ask those of you who have gotten repeat messages to confirm that you gotten them twice, and for the rest of you wonderful people to either, 1, go to my blog and enter your email for a subscription or, 2, send me a reply saying "please add", or 3, simply offer no reply if you would prefer not to get email from this point forward. It's exciting times for the journey and for the journey of the journey. Look forward to having you along for the ride!


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