Thursday, June 21, 2012

Discovery I.D. and Me!

Well, the secret is out and you're all the first to know! My humble debut on television will be with Discovery I.D's Dates from Hell. It's a series covering really wild encounters told by the survivors of some very scary first dates. And all the stories are true, which makes the tales all the more fascinating. I guess I won't reveal too much about my own character, but needless to say tha,t if you know me, it's the last kind of person you'd expect.

My episode will air July 25th at 10pm. Huzzah.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Original Starship Enterprise

I just so happened to be working a gig on the water last night, and saw the Enterprise. And took the photo you see now. It's incredible to finally see it in person. Let's all cross our fingers that we are merely delaying out 'reentry' into American space endeavors.

(Like this picture? I did it WITH MY PHONE.)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Best Thoughts on the Arts I have ever Heard.

There are so many of you who are graduating, and many of you who have passed beyond the years of academia, watch the video linked below. The speaker is Neil Gaiman. And his words are the complete truth about the careers in which we artistic souls embark.

The best thoughts on the arts I have ever heard.