Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Most Important Guy I Never Met

Once upon a time some near twenty years ago, I met on a movie screen one of the best character actors I ever heard. The actor was funny; the characters and voices AMAZING. This person confirmed for me--an aspiring "inventor"--that imaginations can live in the real world...

I STILL can't figure out how the actor did the work, but it was the inspiration to start sounding like the people I created in my head...

One thing led to another, courage or foolhardiness stumbled in, and my acting career was real...

Definitively, at least fifteen productions I've been in had me performing no less than three characters. I made good impressions by being diverse, and those 'voices' always open doors for me...

I owe everything this career has added to my heart from the first actor I ever wanted to know about. This person has never known this blog, the author, or any of his work, but it also exists because of the seed planted by one very important stranger...

Thank you Robin Williams.